Since the beginning of 2018 we make use of the Creative Commons licenses for the Dutch Caribbean Species Register. By using these licenses we can offer image providers a flexible way to provide us information about the conditions for using their photos. Image providers retain in all cases (except for CC0) the copyright. It will also stay available to offer your photos with different conditions elsewhere. We recommend every image provider to read more information about Creative Commons at the Creative Commons official website or at Wikipedia.
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Creative Commons licenses
CC BY - Attribution
It is allowed to copy the photo, distribute, display and produce derived works, also for commercial use, but only if the name of the photographer and the source are mentioned.
[ Overview of all licenses | Overview of this license ]
CC BY-SA - Attribution + Share Alike
It is allowed to copy the photo, distribute, display and produce derived works, also for commercial use, but only if the name of the photographer and the source are mentioned. Derived works has to be shared under identical conditions.
[ Overview of all licenses | Overview of the license ]
CC BY-ND - Attribution + NoDerivatives
It is allowed to distribute the photo, also for commercial use, as long it remains unedited and the name of the photographer and the source are mentioned.
[ Overview of all licenses | Overview of the license ]
CC BY-NC - Attribution + NonCommercial
It is allowed to copy the photo, distribute, display and produce derived works that is based on the specific photo as long as it is not used commercially and only when the name of the photographer and the source are mentioned. Derived works does not have to be shared under identical conditions.
[ Overview of all licenses | Overview of the license ]
CC BY-NC-SA - Attribution + NonCommercial + Share Alike
It is allowed to copy the photo, distribute, display and produce derived works, as long as the name of the photographer and the source are mentioned and the photo is not used commercially. Derived works has to be shared under identical conditions.
[ Overview of all licenses | Overview of the license ]
CC BY-NC-ND - Attribution + NonCommercial + NoDerivatives
The photo may be downloaded and be shared with others, as long as the photo remains unedited, the photo is not used commercially and the name of the photographer and the source are mentioned.
[ Overview of all licenses | Overview of the license ]
CC0 - "No rights reserved"
The photo can be used without restrictions. With the CC0 license the photographer renounces his copyrights of the photo as far as legally accepted.
[ Overview of all licenses ]